It’s time to remove the stigma around substance use. According to the NSDUH in 2017 over 19.7 million American’s over the age of 12 reported a substance use disorder. It’s important to understand people use substances to cope. Let’s help them cope safely. Please spread the word about the Never Use Alone hotline. The Never Use Alone hotline support member will be there in case of an accidental overdose. Please visit their website to learn more about the hotline.
Never Use Alone:
2017 NSDUH Annual National Report:
I lost my only Adukt child 2 months after treatment. He was told subixone was not acceotabke in drug free hoysin snd it was just anither ilicit drug to be addicted to. How deadly incorrect this NA Tacoma group was. He was odd suboxone 1 week when. He was found dead on the bathroom floor, alone, 30 yeats old, so full of life to live, and he was so sweet. I am a recovering addict to who blames herself co stantly. Even though i took him to treatment 2 times. I struggked as well, as my mom did as well. This line is an udea we also csme up with in our MSRA Medication assisted recovery anonymous meetings. We calked it Buddy Up, orJerry Up. Thank you so much for having this phone line. Its as inpirtant as Suboxone or Naloxone
I want to post this on my tik tok acct. several thousands of people will see it. I’m trying to find out if it’s nationwide n if it’s only here in the states? I have followers from around the world.
The Never Use Alone Hotline is a national resource.